Technology selection
We can help you select the right waste management technologies and practices for your business. We do not sell equipment. Instead, we independently provide strategies, concepts and process designs that will best meet your waste management needs.
Odour Control
Odours are a common source of complaint. We are experts at low-cost solutions to odour problems, including:
Reducing odour emissions at source
Odour containment and extraction systems
Treatment by biofiltration
Research &
Sometimes a difficult problem needs a fresh approach.
We can identify and test new processes for your waste management problem areas.

Wastewater treatment
We can help you treat your wastewater efficiently and effectively.
We specialise in the design, management and troubleshooting of biological treatment systems,
Waste stabilisation ponds
Constructed wetlands
High-rate activated sludge systems
Wastewater irrigation

Waste minimisation
Waste minimisation is good business.
We can:
Measure how much waste your operation produces.
Advise on methods to reduce waste at source.
Help you reduce product loss and waste disposal costs.
We won't just generate data, but give you practical advice to reduce costs.
Value recovery
Find value in your waste: recover, reuse and recycle.
We can show you how to turn waste into useful product to avoid or minimise disposal costs.
We are experts in:
Water reuse
Physical and chemical treatment for recovery of by-products
Land application of wastes
Rendering of animal by-products

Resource Consents
We can help you with your Resource Consents by:
Assessing environmental effects
Designing monitoring programmes
Monitoring consent compliance